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Afkar (Arabic): thoughts, ideas, reflections. Sing: fikr

Bearing in mind that the Arabic word AFKAR means thoughts, ideas and reflections, NUPRIMA, as a research group that debates the Arab World, considers it important that its events be named this way.

Encontro 10:
Justiça Seletiva - Uma Investigação dos Discursos sobre Ucrânia e Gaza

O Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre Relações Internacionais do Mundo Árabe (NUPRIMA), convida a todos(as) para assistirem ao Afkar “Justiça Seletiva - Uma Investigação dos Discursos sobre Ucrânia e Gaza” com o Prof. Dr. Fabiano Mielniczuk e a antropóloga Francirosy Barbosa.

O afkar será transmitido pelo canal do YouTube do NUPRIMA dia 19 de Abril (Sexta-feira) às 18 horas. Para receber o link basta preencher o formulário no link da bio. Serão emitidos certificados por meio de lista de chamada.

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Encontro 9:
Crítica aos nacionalismos no pensamento revolucionário árabe

A convidada dessa edição foi a pesquisadora Dr.ª Joyce de Sá Souza. Doutora (2019) e Mestra (2014) em Direito & Justiça pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Em 2023 foi Pesquisadora Visitante na Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University (Estados Unidos). 

Em sua nona edição, o Afkar: Mundo Árabe em Debate abordou o tema "Crítica aos nacionalismos no pensamento revolucionário árabe". Realizado pelo Núcleo de Pesquisa em Relações Internacionais (NUPRIMA), o evento on-line aconteceu no dia 18 de outubro de 2023. O encontro foi gravado e postado na página oficial do Nuprima no youtube. Para assistir a gravação do encontro, basta clicar no botão abaixo! Esperamos que vocês gostem e participem do próximo Afkar!

Encontro 8:
Relações Árabe-Brasileiras e o projeto Arab Latinos!


O convidado dessa edição foi o Professor Dr. Geraldo Campos, doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade de São Paulo e mestre em Ciências Sociais pela PUC-SP. Professor do Departamento de Relações Internacionais na Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Coordenador do Centro Internacional de Estudos Árabes e Islâmicos (CEAI) e do projeto Árabe Latinos! da UNESCO.

Em sua oitava edição, o Afkar: Mundo Árabe em Debate abordou o tema "Relações Árabe-Brasileiras e o projeto Arab Latinos!". Realizado pelo Núcleo de Pesquisa em Relações Internacionais (NUPRIMA), o evento on-line aconteceu no dia 12 de julho de 2023. O evento foi gravado e postado na página oficial do NUPRIMA no youtube. Para assistir a gravação do encontro, basta clicar no botão abaixo! Esperamos que vocês gostem e participem do próximo Afkar!

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Meeting 7:
Contesting the (re)production of coloniality in the Middle East: Nuprima's review on the BRISMES Conference 2022

Our guest was Professor Dr. Silvia Ferabolli, PhD in Politics and International Studies by the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London (SOAS) and coordinator of NUPRIMA. She attended the last BRISMES Conference in 2022.

The conference explored themes related to decoloniality and resistance, how these elements relate to the formation of policies and societies in the Middle East, and continued the 2021 debates and questioning the narratives and the way knowledge about the region is produced. Professor Silvia talked about the results of this experience, pointing out important factors to be able to understand the present Middle East and new perspectives to be explored. The event happened August 16th 2022. To watch the recording of the meeting, just play the video below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Meeting 6:
Arab Postcolonial Literature and International Relations

The guests for this edition were the translators of Tabla Publisher: Jermima Alves and Felipe Benjamin Francisco .

NUPRIMA had the honor of presenting this wonderful event in partnership with Tabla Publisher. The event took place on September 26, 2021, at 7pm! The event was a conversation between NUPRIMA members, mediated by NUPRIMA's coordinator, Dra. Silvia Ferabolli, with two of Tabla's translators: Jemima Alves and Felipe Benjamin Francisco. During the event, two books from the publisher were drawn. The meeting was recorded and posted on Nuprima's official youtube page. To watch the recording of the meeting, just play the video below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Meeting 5:
The Elections in Iran and their Develop-ments in the Arab World and World Politics

The guest of this edition was Professor Dr. Andrew Traumann. He holds a Master's degree in History and Politics from the Universidade Estadual Paulista (2007) and a PhD in History from the Universidade Federal do Paraná (2013). He is currently a professor of International Relations at Centro Universitário Curitiba (UNICURITIBA).

In its fifth edition, the "Afkar: Arab World in Debate" addressed the theme "The Elections in Iran and their Developmentsin the Arab World and World Politics". Held by the Arab World International Relations Research Group (NUPRIMA), the online event took place on July 26, from 7 pm to 8 pm. The meeting was recorded and posted on Nuprima's official youtube page. To watch the recording of the meeting, just click on the button below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Meeting 4:
Arabic Translation in South-South Dialogue

The guests for this edition were three of the creators of Tabla Publisher: Laura di Pietro (editor) and USP professors and translators, Dr. Safa Jubran and Dr. Michel Sleiman.

NUPRIMA had the honor of presenting this wonderful event in partnership with Tabla Publisher. The event took place on July 7th, 2021, at 7pm! The event was a conversation between the members of NUPRIMA, mediated by the coordinator of the nucleus, Dr. Silvia Ferabolli, with three of the creators of Tabla Publisher: Laura di Pietro (editor) and the USP professors and translators, Dr. Safa Jubran and Dr. Michel Sleiman. The meeting was recorded and posted on Nuprima's official youtube page. To watch the recording of the meeting, just click the button below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Meeting 3:
Syria: Social Fragmentation and Conflict in the "Postwar" Era

This edition's guest was Prof. Dr. Paulo Gabriel Hilu Pinto, associate professor of the Department of Anthropology and the Graduate Program in Anthropology at Universidade Federal Fluminense and coordinator of the Middle East Studies Center (NEOM) at UFF.

In its third edition, the "Afkar: Arab World in Debate" addressed the theme "Syria: Social Fragmentation and Conflict in the 'Post-War'". Held by the Arab World International Relations Research Group (NUPRIMA), the online event took place on May 24th, from 7pm to 8pm. The meeting was recorded and posted on Nuprima's official youtube page. To watch the recording of the meeting, just click the button below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Special Meeting:
Prospects for Palestinian resistance against Israel's aggression

The guest of this special edition of Afkar was His Excellency Mr. Ibrahim Mohamed Khalil Alzeben, Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Brazil.

Facing the recent events in Jerusalem, Gaza and throughout Palestine, we, from the Arab World International Relations Research Group (NUPRIMA - UFRGS) could not fail to express our solidarity to the Palestinian people. The broadcast took place on May 18, at 18:30. In this sense, was promoted the "NUPRIMA in Dialogue: Perspectives of the Palestinian Resistance against Israel's aggression". The event was also attended by the coordinator of NUPRIMA, Prof. Dr. Silvia Ferabolli. The meeting was recorded and posted on the official page of Nuprima on youtube. To watch the recording of the meeting, just click on the button below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Meeting 2:
Is there a political alternative to the Israel-Palestine conflict?

The guest of the second edition of Afkar was Prof. Dr. Arlene Clemesha, from the Department of Oriental Languages at USP and director of the Center for Arabic Studies at USP.

The question "is there a political alternative to the Israel-Palestine conflict?" was the theme of the second edition of Afkar: Arab World in Debate. The online event of the Arab World International Relations Research Group (NUPRIMA) was held on April 27, from 7 pm to 8 pm. The meeting was recorded and posted on Nuprima's official youtube page. To watch the recording of the meeting and access the materials presented, just click on the respective buttons below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

Meeting 1:
The Impact of the Beirut Port Explosion on Contemporary Lebanese Politics

The guest of the first edition of Afkar was Prof. Dr. Dany Zahreddine, from the International Relations Department of PUC-Minas and coordinator of the Middle East and Maghreb Research Group (Geomm).


The explosion in the Port of Beirut in August 2020 and its reflections on Lebanon's contemporary politics was the theme of the first edition of Afkar: Arab World in Debate. The online event of the Arab World International Relations Research Group (NUPRIMA) was held on March 23, from 7 pm to 8 pm. The meeting was recorded and posted on NUPRIMA's official youtube page. To watch the recording of the first meeting, just click on the button below! We hope you enjoy and participate in the next Afkar!

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