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NUPRIMA na conferência do World International Studies Committee

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A sexta edição da conferência Global International Studies, realizada de 29 de junho a 1º de julho, em Buenos Aires, contou com a participação do Nuprima. A professora Silvia Ferabolli, coordenadora do núcleo de pesquisa, apresentou o trabalho The praxis of Arab regionalism, que tem como resumo:

This paper answers the call made by Amitav Acharya in his 2014 ISA’s Presidential Address on the necessity of IR scholars to expand “the study of regionalisms and regional orders beyond Eurocentric models, building synergy between disciplinary and area studies approaches”. By asking what the experience of Arab regionalism can teach us about regional orders and about global International Relations (IR), the paper invokes Arab regional thinking and action as legitimate sources for IR scholars to analyze other regional arrangements in the Global South and to consider the power politics involved in the ever more complex relationship between regional worlds and world orders. Anchored in Paulo Freire's epistemological commitments and in close dialogue with IR decolonial scholarship this paper demonstrates how depicting the Arab region as an actor, a locus of power, a discursive construction, an imagined community, an IR object of study and a source of knowledge for IR can shed light on the way regional spaces are organized, reproduced and contested in the Global South.

Esta foi a primeira vez que a conferência foi realizada na América do Sul. A edição teve como tema The ‘International’ Around the World: Multiple Voices, Alternative Orders.

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